Many people have a tense relationship with money. You may feel a constant pressure to save, budget, and
hustle to find ways to make more, all while feeling trapped in the mindset that there will never be
enough to pay all of the bills. You are flooded with expressions like, “money doesn’t grow on
trees,” “money is not everything,” and, “money can’t buy happiness,” and by association feel this
love-hate relationship with money. Of course you want money so that you can feel more
financial freedom, but somehow the higher you reach, the more that this feels out of your grasp.
In truth, your relationship with money does not need to be full of friction, stress, and
toxicity. One of the biggest barriers to bringing more wealth into your life is much simpler than
you would think. It’s all about a shift in your mindset. If you constantly think of money as
unattainable and a stressor, you are essentially saying to the universe, “If you have any money
for me, just let it pass on by! I’m not ready for it!” However, if you begin to shift your mindset to
receptivity and openness, you are bringing more money toward you by the law of attraction.
What you mentally attract, the universe draws closer to you. Therefore, once you shift your
mindset around money to be something that is drawn toward you to use for a greater good, you
will notice a positive shift in your finances as a result.
A powerful way to shift your mindset around money is through practicing positive
affirmations. Begin practicing repeating the following manifesting money affirmations to open
your universal receptivity to wealth:
- I am a money magnet.
- Whatever I touch turns to gold.
- I am releasing any and all negative thoughts and emotions about money.
- I am happy and free to visualize my dreams.
- I am creating all the money I want.
- I have all the money I need to accomplish everything I want to do in life.
- I make positive choices about what to do with my money.
- I am enjoying the energy of abundance that money reflects.
- I deserve and expect financial abundance.
- I can build a solid financial foundation.
- My experience of wealth is a positive part of my life.
- I accept financial success.
- I can turn my gifts into wealth.
- New income channels are on their way to me.
- My finances are improving.
- I trust my judgment to make strong financial decisions.
- Money is drawn to me and I am drawn to it.
- Money comes to me effortlessly and easily.
- I am open to all opportunities that will make me money.
- I am able to handle money wisely.
- I am worthy of having wealth.
- My financial situation is improving.
- I always have enough money.
- I will find money in expected and unexpected ways.
- I am wealthy beyond money.
- My life is rich and full.
- I will conquer my financial goals.
- My money brings positive change to the world.
- I am worthy of success and happiness.
- My money will do good for me and the people that I love.
- Money can bring me comfort when I manage it well.
- I am smart with my money.
- It’s enjoyable to spend responsibly.
- I can save money to be closer to financial freedom.
- I remove any obstacles between me and leading a financially secure life.
- I trust myself to make smart financial decisions.
- I can overcome my spending impulses.
- It makes me happy to spend responsibly.
- I am receptive to wealth.
- Money brings me freedom.
- I am grateful for the wealth I have.
- I am open to abundance.
- I am worthy of financial freedom.
- I am attracting money toward me.
Another really fascinating thing about positive affirmation work is that you are free to
personalize and create your own positive affirmations so that they resonate most with you. It
also may be even more beneficial for you to create affirmations that you believe will affect you the most, because you know yourself better than anyone else. When writing these positive
affirmations, it is important that they be relatively short, and are focused on your personal
self-reflection. They should also be future-oriented and look toward a clear outcome.
In addition to the power of positive affirmation work, another beneficial way to draw
money toward you is through visualization. If you begin to see your life through the lens of
already having the money you desire, this helps to shift your mindsets about attaining wealth. Of
course, you should continue to make wise decisions financially and not spend too much beyond
your means, however this shift should happen more as a difference in mindset, which the
universe will eventually calibrate to by sending more financial freedom your way.
Lastly, the universe is also extremely receptive to gratitude. Gratitude is one of the most
powerful ways to tune into your happiness, but it is also one of the most simple ways to connect
with more abundance. What you are grateful for, the universe will send you more of. Therefore,
if you are expressing gratitude for the finances that you do have regularly, then more will surely
be on its way to you.
It may be shocking to consider that money, a tangible, seemingly fleeting object, can be
so influenced by your mindset. However, this is just your limiting beliefs keeping you from an
abundance of money mindset. Working toward a more positive mental mindset toward money
has everything to gain and nothing to lose. When you are ready to begin the work and to accept
more money and financial freedom in your life, be sure to return to this list of positive money
affirmations. Repeat them, write them down, and meditate on them. The more that you believe
and embody these mindsets, the more that the universe will make them true by sending more
wealth toward you.