Have you ever heard that your thoughts can influence the physical world around you? Perhaps you’ve been wary of believing this as you’ve always seen the world as a physical place, influenced by physical matter. How could anything else be in this equation? If there is, how can we prove it to be true if we can not see it? The science of Quantum Physics has shifted this mindset as its primary principles suggest that our thoughts directly influence our physical reality. This has also been believed by several Ancient Eastern religions. Buddhism, Hinduism, and Daoism are all belief systems that claim this to be true as well.
Many people tend to doubt what they cannot experience with their five senses. However,
some of the world’s most powerful forces are unidentifiable by the human standard. You have
likely learned through repeated teachings in science classes that all physical matter is made up
of atoms. Atoms are made up of protons, electrons, and neutrons. However, aside from the
protons, electrons and neutrons within the atom, there is still a remaining 99.9% that is empty
space (as far as humans can tell, that is). But is this really empty space?
According to Quantum Physics, this “empty space” is really made up of wave energy.
Therefore, matter is made up of waves, but something else must make up these waves.
According to German Physicist Max Planck, these waves must be influenced by the “conscious
and intelligent mind”. He considers this to be the Quantum Field, which is connected to our
consciousness as well as all physical matter. You still may be doubtful of this belief, as although
it seems plausible, it is still not something we can observe with our five human senses.
However, the theory of the Quantum Field can be further supported by The Observer Effect.
Originally, Newton developed a model of the atom where all of the electrons orbited
around the nucleus in predetermined paths, kind of like how the planets orbit around the sun.
However, more recently, it was discovered that electrons exist around the nucleus in an invisible
energy cloud. The Observer Effect is based on this newer model. When an “Observer” draws
their attention to one part of the energy cloud, the electron appears there. Therefore, the
Observer Effect implies that one’s focused thoughts can result in changes in wave energy,
which lead to changes in physical matter.
You’ve probably also heard about the Law of Attraction. Dr. Joe Dispenza, a New York
Times bestselling author, researcher and international lecturer explains the Law of Attraction by
stating that our thoughts are electric and our emotions are magnetic. Therefore, our thoughts
and emotions together make up our electromagnetic field. This electromagnetic field exists
around your body, and it is also in constant communication with the Quantum Field. When you
change your thoughts and emotions, you are also changing your electromagnetic field.
Therefore, you can change your physical reality by changing your electromagnetic field through
a shift in your thoughts and emotions.
Now you’re probably wondering, okay, this may all be worth a shot, but how exactly
would I go about trying to change my electromagnetic field? Changing your thoughts and
emotions sounds simple, but in reality can be very difficult to do in practice. The best way to
alter your thoughts and emotions is by visualization using manifestation. In order to do this
successfully, you must follow a four step process.
1) First, you must choose specifically what it is that you want to manifest. The more specific
you can get here, the better. Manifesting something like happiness feels very broad,
however manifesting something like, “I want my garden to bloom beautifully this spring,”
is much more specific.
2) Next, you want to embody the emotion that you would feel if this manifestation were to
come true. If you would really like to get a certain promotion at work, you should try to
embody emotions of joy, gratitude, and excitement. Whatever emotions you hope to feel
in this shift should be the emotions you embody.
3) The next step can be very difficult, which is working to maintain these positive emotions
over a period of time. Whether this is through continued meditation or visualization, do
everything you can to maintain these heightened emotions. The more you can keep your
emotions in this positive state, the more likely the manifestation will influence the
quantum field and come to fruition.
4) Lastly, you wait for your manifestation to come true! It is important to keep in mind that
this may not be a quick process. It may take days, weeks, or even months for this
manifestation to come true. Therefore, the most important part of this process is keeping
your emotional state heightened and focused on the feelings of this becoming your
reality. The more focused your thoughts and emotions can be on this manifestation
becoming true, the more likely it will be.
Skeptics may have trouble believing that manifestation techniques are real and powerful,
but the findings in Quantum Physics support the Law of Attraction, The Observer Effect, and
Manifestation fully. In this science, there is everything to gain and nothing to lose. Therefore,
when you feel ready to step into the full power of your manifestations, return to this article and
begin your visualizations. The more you focus your mental and emotional energy, the more
likely that your manifestations will become reality. Good luck, and happy manifesting!